New York Skyline

After reading this article on ManRepeller the other day, I started thinking about this subject. What have I really given up by moving to the Big Apple? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not being negative about moving here, but there are definitely things that I’ve noticed are very different. So here is my list:


Cars honk like crazy, I am very often woken up by drunk people walking home from the club (not just on the weekend), loud music from cars driving by and from neighbors throwing a Wednesday party just because, people fighting in public (never understood that), sirenes… NYC is so noisy (all cities probably are) that I find myself missing the country side were I grew up in Denmark. I think my ears need a break. The other day Edward and I went to Clason Point to look at houses, and it was the loveliest, and most calm area I’ve been in for a while. That, and just that, made me want to move there.


We currently live in an old 1 bedroom apartment in the Bronx. It’s old, it’s falling apart. But it’s still freaking expensive. It feels like I pay so much more money for nothing. We are looking for another apartment (that is actually nice, in Manhattan, and affordable) to rent/buy, and the struggle is real.


I used to bike to everything in Denmark. Here they have CitiBike (or you can buy your own, but then you have to bring it upstairs in your apartment for it not to get stolen…), but people are mostly just afraid of biking. There are no bike lanes except from on a couple of streets. The worst of all though: CitiBike is not available were I live.. Like why?!


I was used to being very close to my friends and the city in Denmark. It would take me 20 minutes to bike to university. Oh boy, did I give that up! Although Manhattan is not that big, I spend over two hours on my commute to/from work every day and it takes me the same time to go to my friend’s apartments or if we are just meeting up downtown. I really hope to move to Upper West, so I can get closer to everything.


Now, when I moved to NYC I had watched a lot of Sex & the City. You know, brunches, shopping, drinks, more shopping, a little cupcake here, and taxi-ride there. No. On a “first job after uni”-salary this is definitely not possible if you also want an apartment, phone, cable, go to the gym etc. Also I try to save up. Goodbye money.



  • Thank you for sharing your experience and these not whitewashed insights! Enjoy the experince and keep on sharing how it goes, would love to read more about your time in NYC.

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    • Christina Wonsbeck

      You can be sure I will! It’s so much fun to write all the things down and hear about other people who’ve had the same experience 🙂

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  • I can totally feel you. It’s hard to move to the big metropolitan city. Particularly when they have different paced living in those cities. hang in there..go for your big dream. Love your coat and the picture though. Lovely post.

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    • Christina Wonsbeck

      Thank you so much! It is a big deal to move so far away, and it takes some getting used to, but it’s all worth it! 🙂

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  • I really enjoyed reading this! I’m from a smaller city and I’ve always wondered how awesome it would be to live in the big city. I had never considered the downside. Maybe I’ll visit one day!

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    • Christina Wonsbeck

      I hadn’t either. Because I had only visited NYC on vacation. And everyday life can’t be like vacation 😉 But I love it here nevertheless! You should definitely come visit.

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