December 17th: OOTD

December 18th: Quality time


As we speak I’m on my way to the radio city hall to watch the Rockettes Christmas Spectacular with my family. A very Christmasy night the New York way. Edward and I also saw it last year, but it certainly has potential to become a tradition and something to do at Christmas time every year.

Speaking of December activities, yesterday I had such a wonderful Sunday. I had invited Mie up for brunch (made sure to earn some extra points with her by making her favorite avocado toast with soft boiled eggs and a some salty and crispy bacon) and a little work afterwords. She, a finals for her almost done semester at Columbia University. Me, content for the rest of December since I’ve decided to blog every day. And vlog. I’m very excited and very busy. Hope you are too (excited that is!).

After a good amount of work we headed to Central Park as we had decided to do some ice skating! It turned out that the rest of New York City has decided to do so as well. The ice rink was so busy. So instead we decided to eat a warm pretzel and go for a walk around the park. It’s pretty magical at this time of year.

Mie is going back to Denmark soon, so it’s so important for me to spend some quality time with her before she’s gone. I can’t beli how fast time flies, when you’re with people you love.




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December 17th: OOTD