Top 5 podcasts I'm listening to ATM #2

Sunday in New York

sunday-in-upper-manhattanHow are you guys? It’s Sunday (no kidding), and I’ve found my way to the keyboard for a little convo with you.

My weekend have considered of my bed, TV shows, tea, and Kleenex. Friday I woke up feeling like I’d been hit by a bus (I guess it’s that time of year). I went to work, and just felt more awful when I came home at night. So yesterday I spent the whole day in bed. Slept 5 hours. I must have needed that, because today I woke up feeling a lot better. Still a little snotty, but more human again. So I’ve been doing the usual Sunday stuff (that I for some reason really appreciate). Laundry, cleaning the apartment, grocery shopping… What have you been doing this weekend? Fun plans? Or where you sick in bed too?

Next: I’m off to bake a pumpkin pie! First attempt ever, let’s cross our fingers that it tastes good.


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Top 5 podcasts I'm listening to ATM #2