I always look forward to a new year. A new beginning. Somehow it gives my inspiration to do everything better and work harder. January 1st is the Queen of Mondays. I many goals for 2017, and writing them down makes me feel more attached to making it all happen. (You can also check out my 2016 high lights here)

Here’s my new year resolutions for 2017:


I want to start making videos for the blog, and work on more frequent posting (the struggle is real when you also work a full-time job, but I know it can be done, and I feel more inspired than ever)


Hopefully Edward and I will find a wonderful apartment somewhere in the City, with more space and in a better neighborhood (I have so many interior dreams, but first we need the frame)

Being grateful

One of the things Edward tells me the most, is that I always complain, and that I should be more grateful. Just for life in general. And he’s right… I often fail to realize how fortunate I am. So I want to practice being grateful, and therefore bought the ‘5 minute journal’ to help me practise this every day. It’s basically a journal that you fill out morning and evening, and because it’s not supposed to take more than 5 minutes, even I should be able to keep this going.


I want to read more books. When I was earning my BA, I used to study to and from work everyday. My commute is an hour each way, which gave me two hours of reading every day. I recently read an article called “The Simple Plan To Read More” which got me thinking: Now that I got my BA, I want to use that time on reading books that inspire me. 1-2 hours a day I can read. Just think how many books I can comsume in 2017. Next on the list: Dress Scandinavian by Pernille Theisbaek


It’s been fun to live life to the fullest in 2016, and I definitely don’t want 2017 to be a boring year, but I want 2017 to be the year I got the best savings in a long time. I’ve always been afraid of red numbers, but I’ve not been afraid of shopping and using the money I have. So therefore Edward (and his inner accountant) is helping me with a finance plan to make my savings grow. This is such boring adult stuff, but must happen to create the life we dream about. 3, 2, 1, go!

Play an instrument

I played the piano as a child (still do), but the longest I’ve wanted to learn to play the guitar. I recently got reminded of that again watching the Norwegian TV-show SKAM, where Noora plays and sings in season 2. So in love. And can we also talk about her hair? I kinda want my bob back, and what about going platinum blonde?

1 comment

  • […] TV. We probably had the best view anyway. And boy, was it just what I needed. We talked about our New Year’s resolutions, ate take-out, put money in our pocket (Edward says that it will bring us fortune in the coming […]

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